The Lane Library League holds general meetings annually in January or early February. The public is welcome. At the meeting the board of directors approve the year's budget and elect officers. Click here for minutes of past meetings.
In 2023, the Lane Library League’s Board will decide how to allocate $9000 at its annual meeting at 12noon on Friday, February 2, 2023. Last year the board distributed grants of $1000 each to half a dozen volunteer libraries. This year, with proceeds from a successful Authors & Artists Fair fundraiser and with several generous donations, the LLL has more money on hand and may consider other options. The public is invited to attend the one-hour meeting, either in person at the home of President Bill Sullivan (1958 Onyx Street, Eugene), or online by Zoom.
To join the Zoom meeting, hosted by the Siuslaw Public Library, click
at noon on February 2 (Meeting ID: 829 3664 9467, Passcode: 257982).