Minutes of Recent Meetings
MINUTES of the Lane Library League’s annual general meeting, Sat., January 25, 2025 at 1958 Onyx St., Eugene.
The LLL awards up to $7200 to volunteer libraries for 2025
At the annual public meeting of the Lane Library League this Saturday, the Board agreed to fund four specific grant requests from volunteer libraries -- $1000 for the River Road/Santa Clara library, $600 for the Cascade Foothills Library in Dexter, $1000 for the Leaburg library, and $1000 for the Marcola library. The money will pay for Summer Reading Programs, large-print books, and even light fixtures that need repair.
The volunteer libraries in Alvadore and Blue River had not yet filed reports about how they spent last year’s grants, but when they do, the Board agreed they could be included in an additional round of grants -- $600 for any or all of the county’s six volunteer libraries, to be used for new books, new computers, or Internet access.
The LLL voted to welcome Carol Shininger, a long-time donor and library supporter, as a new member to the Board. The Board also set the date for the 25th annual Authors & Artists Fair, the LLL’s annual fundraiser -- as usual for the second Saturday in December -- which this year will be December 13, 2025.
Attending: Bill Sullivan, President; Meg Spencer, Secretary; Jennifer Chambers, Treasurer; Beth Hammond, Board member; Su Liudahl, Board member; Hope Crandall, Board member; Sally Leete, Marcola volunteer library; and Carol Shininger.
LIBRARY NEWS -- Bill opened the meeting at 12:30pm, asking if anyone had library-related news to report. He began by reporting that he had been asked to give a talk at the grand opening of the O’Brien Memorial volunteer library in Blue River two months ago. After a 2020 forest fire destroyed the old library building Blue River received $1.8 million to build anew. Of that, $1.4 million came from the State of Oregon. The Lane Library League donated $12,000 and other nonprofits donated most of the rest. At the grand opening, Bill told the 80 celebrants that Blue River had been given a gift, with almost none of the money raised in Blue River itself, and with no money at all provided for operations. Bill told them that the LLL might be able to contribute up to a little each year for operations, but without a tax base they will need to raise more than $3000 in local donations to pay the utility bills, and they will need 3000 hours of volunteer time to keep the doors open. Bill said he later got a complaint from a Blue River resident that such a downbeat speech was inappropriate. One of the Blue River library board members, however, said the speech was precisely what they needed, and helped raise $2000 in donations at the event.
Meg reported that the Siuslaw Public Library Foundation, a nonprofit founded in 2020, has raised almost $1 million in its first four years, much of it from bequests. The money is not an endowment, as the principal balance is available to be used for projects. Meg also noted that most city libraries have seen cuts in funding during the past year, because city budgets are tight and councilors have to weigh the library’s needs against the need for fire, police, and public works. Eugene, Springfield, Junction City, and Cottage Grove have all cut library hours. Library districts have their own tax bases and do not have to compete with other public services, so the funding base is more reliable and predictable.
Beth spoke about some of the ways libraries offered service during Covid-19, including home delivery and curbside pickup.
Jennifer reported that she had completed a true crime book, “Murder & Mayhem in Eugene” last year and plans to release another, “The Case Files of Sheriff Withers” in June.
Sally reported that the Marcola library, which doubles as the high school library, is always looking for more volunteers. The library is planning to host a volunteer fair, with tables for all the nonprofit groups in the area, to attract more volunteers.
Su reported that after retiring as director of the Creswell Library she has become the manager of the 150-year-old Creswell Schoolhouse. The building is fully restored and is now rented out for local events such as weddings and meetings. She hopes the Creswell Library will take over management of the schoolhouse so that library events could be scheduled there as well.
ELECTIONS – The terms of two LLL Board members – Jennifer Chambers and Hope Crandall – were set to expire this month. The Board voted unanimously to reelect them both for another two-year term. Meg moved that the Board elect a new member, Carol Shininger, for a two-year term. Su seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Bill noted that Carol has long been one of the LLL’s most generous donors. Carol said she has two passions – libraries and fossils; she is currently volunteering to manage the University of Oregon’s extensive fossil collection.
AUTHORS & ARTISTS FAIR – Bill reported that the 24th annual fundraiser, the Authors & Artists Fair, had raised a record $5381 this year. Together with donations, the LLL now has $8909.80 in the bank. He also reported that Saturday Market’s Holiday Market has been asking to take over the Authors & Artist Fair’s space in the Atrium of the Lane Events Center. Because the A&A Fair has been in that location on the second Saturday of December for 20 years, however, the Lane Events Center has given the LLL the right of first refusal. Bill said Holiday Market then asked if the A&A Fair could be moved to another venue or perhaps a date in November. The Board agreed vehemently that moving the date or location would lose fans and money. Bill said he would tell the Lane Events Center to reserve the Atrium for the LLL on the second Saturday in December “in perpetuity.”
GRANT ALLOCATIONS – Meg reported that only four of the six volunteer libraries that received LLL funding last year have filled in the required online form to say how they spent the money. Filing a grant report is a requirement to receive more funding. All four of the libraries that did file reports also requested grants for 2025:
-- The River Road/Santa Clara library asked for $1000 in 2025 for their Summer Reading Program and for the purchase of more large-print books. Their library is located near a retirement center, so large-print books are popular.
-- The Cascade Foothills Library in Dexter asked for $600 for their Summer Reading Program.
-- The Leaburg library asked for $1000 to buy nonfiction books, repair their light fixtures, and pay for Summer Reading Programs.
-- The Marcola library said “We will use any amount you can spare.” In person, Sally Leete told the Board, “We’re experts at spending money. Our collection is OK; we just want money for programming – especially the Summer Reading Program.” To attract kids in summer, they like to hire a magician or a storyteller or a science expert. Sally accepted a proposal that their grant request be fixed at $1000.
The Creswell Library also submitted a grant request for $2000. Meg pointed out that the Creswell Library is already supported by a tax base, and that the LLL has directed its efforts toward helping volunteer libraries. Su agreed, and asked that the Creswell request be withdrawn.
Bill noted that all four of the acceptable grant requests only came to a total of $3600, while the LLL has $8909 available to spend.
Hope asked about the possibility of funding a “Libraries of Things”. In December Bill had received a proposal from the Eugene Toolbox Project to provide tools for libraries to check out to patrons. Chainsaws, pressure washers, and torque wrenches could be checked out like books. Bill had sent out an email to libraries asking if they would be interested in receiving free tools for such a program. He received only one reply, from River Road/Santa Clara. They said they have no room to store tools. At this point Meg added that libraries can have many reasons not to check out chainsaws – liability, maintenance, space, staff training, and more. Bill noted that the tool-lending program does not actually need funding from the LLL; the Toolbox Project is willing to provide used tools for free. Meg suggested that it was enough that we had made the volunteer libraries aware of the potential, and that they could deal directly with the Eugene Toolbox Project if they wish to pursue the service.
Meg moved that the LLL start by funding the $3600 in grant requests from the four libraries that filed reports. Hope seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Su moved that we offer $600 in additional funding to any or all of the county’s six volunteer libraries, to be used for any of three purposes:
-- To buy a new computer for patron use.
-- To pay Internet or utility bills.
-- To purchase new books published in the past five years, since 2020.
Su stipulated that to receive the $600, the library must have filled out a grant report about how they spent last year’s money, and must actually ask for the additional $600. Under those conditions, the libraries in Alvadore and Blue River could still get $600.
Meg seconded Su’s motion, and it passed unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT -- As a final bit of business, Bill asked for authorization to plan the 25th annual Authors & Artists Fair for December 13, 2025, and was given unanimous approval. The meeting adjourned at 1:38pm.
MINUTES – Lane Library League general meeting
1pm, Sunday, January 28, 2024 in the Florence Library.
Short version: Volunteer libraries and young adult readers were the focus of nearly $7000 in grants approved by the Lane Library League Board at its general meeting in Florence on January 28. Su Liudahl, retired director of the Creswell Library, proposed that the LLL target the teens who had benefitted from summer reading programs as children, in order to keep them reading in later years. Meg Spencer, director of the Siuslaw Library District, moved that the LLL offer $400 to each of six volunteer libraries throughout the county to purchase new teen-popular books from the online lists recommended for the Oregon Battle of the Books and/or the Oregon Young Adult Network.
The Board also approved grant requests from the River Road/Santa Clara Volunteer Library for $600, from the Leaburg Volunteer Library for $700, from the Cascade Foothills Library in Dexter for $600, from the O’Brien Memorial Library in Blue River for $600, and from the Maggie Osgood Library in Lowell for $500. The volunteer libraries in Alvadore and Marcola, which did not submit online grant requests in time for the meeting, may be considered by the Board later.
The Board also welcomed a new Board member, Jennifer Chambers, an author and library supporter from Veneta, and elected her Treasurer, taking over from Beth Hammond, who has held the position since 2007.
Longer version of minutes:
Minutes – Lane Library League general meeting, Sunday, Jan. 28, 2024, Florence library
Attending in person: Bill Sullivan, Meg Spencer, Beth Hammond, Hope Crandall, (guest) Jennifer Chambers
Attending by Zoom: Su Liudahl, (guest) Emily David
Bill opened the meeting at 1:05pm and introduced the Board to the guests: Jennifer Chambers, an author and library supporter from Veneta, and Emily David, director of the Springfield Public Library.
In library news, Meg reported that the Florence library’s Puzzle Tournament was a big success. Fourteen teams competed to assemble identical 500-piece jigsaw puzzles for speed, with the winning team clocking in at just 29 minutes.
Emily David said the “Books N Brew” fundraiser by the Friends of the Springfield Public Library was postponed due to the ice storm to Feb. 24. A library remodel is in the works. A successful recent program at the library was a showing of “We Are Neighbors,” a video of a play written locally 20 years ago about immigrants in the area, paired with a photo exhibit. Judy Smith, a member of the SPL Foundation, is helping with another popular program, HomeShare, which matches people who have spare rooms with people who need housing.
Su said she retired as director of the Creswell Library in October 2022 and now volunteers with Creswell First, a local foundation that has taken over the scheduling and programming for the historic Creswell schoolhouse that has just been restored. Many library programs are expected to be held there, as well as community groups and meetings.
The first item of business was to (re)elect Board members. Meg moved (and Hope seconded) that all of the Board members whose terms are expiring (Bill Sullivan, Su Liudahl, and Meg Spencer) be reelected to a 2-year term, and that Jennifer Chambers be elected to a new position on the Board for a 2-year term. The slate passed unanimously.
Next came the (re)election of officers. Beth said she has been treasurer since 2007 and is willing to turn the job over to the new Board member, Jennifer Chambers. Meg moved and Hope seconded that the Board reelect Bill as president, reelect Meg as secretary, and elect Jennifer as treasurer. The motion passed unanimously.
In Old Business, Beth reported that the LLL has $7027 in the bank. Bill distributed spreadsheets detailing how the Authors & Artists Fair had raised a net total of $3581.
In New Business, the Board considered 5 grant applications totaling $3500. In discussing whether to allow grants to tax-supported libraries such as Lowell – and what sort of projects the LLL should fund to fulfill its mission – Bill took the opportunity to give a brief history of libraries and the LLL in Lane County. He said problems started in 1904 when Andrew Carnegie offered to build a library for any governmental agency in the US that agreed to staff it. The City of Eugene quickly accepted, just before the Oregon State Library could rule that only counties could accept Carnegie libraries, arguing that county library systems would be more inclusive than city systems. But in Lane County it was too late to change, and so this is one of the few counties with a scattering of city libraries, small library districts, and 80,000 people who were left out – served today only by volunteer libraries, if at all. In 2004 the LLL helped the Creswell volunteer library pass the “Lane Library District” that serves the Creswell area, but which could theoretically expand to cover many other unserved areas. The issue is further complicated by the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan. Because Eugene had complained that suburbs outside official city limits (River Road for example) were getting the benefits of the city without paying city taxes, the Metro Plan stipulates that urban services to those areas may only be provided by annexation to the city. Unfortunately, library service was listed an “urban service” in that plan. As a result, areas near Eugene and Springfield are legally unable to join the Lane Library District, or to form their own districts to support libraries.
Emily reported that Springfield is pressuring Glenwood to annex, but there aren’t enough voters there in favor of higher taxes. She also noted that most Lane County libraries and districts have signed an intergovernmental agreement (under the Lane Council of Librarians) to share databases and some exchange privileges – but that Eugene is not part of that agreement, and the “unserved” areas of the county are left out altogether.
No grant applications were received from the Alvadore Volunteer Library or the Marcola school/public library. Bill pointed out that this may be an oversight, because both groups received grants last year. Emily said that Marcola has an active group of library supporters, and she will contact them to see if they want to apply for a grant after all. Hope said that had tried repeatedly to get in touch with the volunteers in Alvadore, who operate infrequently from a trailer donated by the Lions Club. When Hope did get an email response and went to visit, she found the library underused, with dusty shelves and old giveaway books. Bill asked if that meant the library should receive more funding, or less. Beth gave Hope the name of an Alvadore contact, Donna Korn, and Hope said she will go again to see if the library is viable.
Discussion followed about the issue of funding the Lowell Library. Bill pointed out that a volunteer library was originally created in a storage room of the old Lowell city hall by Maggie Osgood, the LLL’s early secretary. By the time Maggie died, the library had become an official public library, which, by Oregon State Library standards, requires some tax support and some staffing. Last year when the city hall moved to an abandoned church, the “Maggie Osgood Library” was given a modern new home and a paid director. The LLL provided $1000 for a grand opening event to honor Maggie. This year Lowell’s grant request is for another $1000. Meg pointed out that the LLL does not otherwise fund tax-supported libraries. Should the LLL also accept grant applications from Oakridge, another small tax-supported library that needs help?
Meg moved that the LLL authorize $500 as a “transition” grant to Lowell, with the understanding that the LLL would only fund volunteer libraries in the future. Jennifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The 4 remaining grant requests were less controversial. Meg moved to approve them all, Hope seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. As a result, checks will be sent to the following libraries:
n River Road/Santa Clara Volunteer Library -- $600 to update their collection with new books.
n Leaburg Volunteer Library -- $700 for their “Dino-Story” summer reading program with a display, books, and activities.
n Cascade Foothills Library (Dexter) -- $600 for the summer reading program to buy snack, books, craft materials, and prizes.
n O’Brien Memorial Library (Blue River) -- $600, with $500 for new adult fiction books and $100 for the summer reading program.
These motions left $4000 available in the LLL’s bank account. It was agreed that Alvadore and Marcola might yet submit grant reports and grant requests, but that these requests would have to be discussed by the Board later by email, and potentially approved by email.
Su suggested that most of the LLL’s remaining funds be used for a new county-wide initiative to attract young adult readers to libraries. The children who benefited from the LLL’s summer reading programs as children could use an incentive to continue reading as young adults. Meg moved that the county’s volunteer libraries be offered $400 each if they agree to buy young adult books from the online list of suggested titles for the Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) and/or the Oregon Battle of the Books (OBAB). Both sites choose excellent new books popular with teens. Su seconded the motion. Hope proposed a friendly amendment that the Alvadore Volunteer Library only be included in the program if they respond to her research efforts to verify that they are active. Meg accepted the amendment and the motion passed unanimously. The online book lists for 2023 for OYAN and OBAB are available at the following sites: https://www.olaweb.org/assets/OYAN/book_rave23_color.pdf and https://www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org/2023-2024-titles/ .
In a final matter, Bill asked the Board to authorize him to begin organizing the 23rd annual Authors & Artists Fair for December 14, 2024. Su so moved, Beth seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Bill adjourned the meeting at 2:15pm.
MINUTES – Lane Library League general meeting
12noon, Friday, Feb. 3 by Zoom and at 1958 Onyx St.
Short version: The Lane Library League board authorized up to $7500 in grants to rural and volunteer libraries at their annual meeting February 3. The money is to be used variously for summer reading programs, children’s books, adult bestsellers, graphic novels, ebooks, and large print books. Grant requests from four libraries were fully funded: $1500 for the O’Brien Library in Blue River, $600 for the Cascade Foothills Library in Dexter, $1000 for the River Road/Santa Clara Library, and $1400 for the Marcola Library. Two volunteer libraries, in Alvadore and Leaburg, had not yet reported on last year’s funding, but up to $1000 apiece was set aside for their possible use, depending on a report and an on-site visit. In addition, the board authorized $1000 in memory of late LLL secretary Maggie Osgood, for the newly opened Osgood Memorial Public Library in Lowell.
Full minutes: LLL President Bill Sullivan opened the meeting with Hope Crandall and treasurer Beth Hammond attending in person, and secretary Meg Spencer and Su Liudahl attending online by Zoom. Su moved and Meg seconded that Beth and Hope be reelected to the Board for two-year terms. The motion passed without opposition. Su moved and Meg seconded that the current officers be reelected for one-year terms, and the motion passed unanimously.
Bill reported that the annual Authors & Artists Fair fundraiser had done well, earning $3286. One of the authors, Danuta Pfeiffer, donated the money from her book sales, $291.79. Longtime LLL supporter Carol Shininger volunteered at the event and made a particularly generous donation of $1500. As a result, Treasurer Beth Hammond reported that the LLL has nearly $9000 in a bank account at SELCO.
The Board took up a discussion about how to spend this money. Bill said that he had solicited grant proposals from volunteer libraries and from several tax-supported public libraries. Meg and Su both argued that tax-supported libraries did not need our help as much as the volunteer libraries. Bill said that the ultimate goal of the LLL should be to enact a county-wide library consortium that serves everyone and has some level of tax support. He pointed to systems in Marion County, Washington County, and Benton County that could serve as models. Hope pointed out that the Eugene Public Library extended library privileges to all 4J students during the pandemic, even if they live outside the city limits. She wondered if school libraries might be able to serve rural populations with general library service. Beth objected that this rarely works, in part because schools don’t want outside adults in their buildings. Meg pointed out that many schools, including the one in Mapleton, no longer have libraries at all. Bill noted that Marcola High School succeeded in opening their library to outside adults only because the building was designed to have a separate entrance for library users.
Su moved to authorize up to $7500 in grants as described above. Hope seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Hope volunteered to visit the volunteer libraries in Alvadore and Leaburg to find out why they did not report and whether they could use funding in 2023.
The Board authorized Bill to begin arranging the next Authors & Artists Fair for December 9, 2023.
Bill adjourned the meeting at 12:50pm.
Minutes of the Lane Library League general meeting, 10:30am, Friday, January 28, 2022, by Zoom
Board members attending: Bill Sullivan, Meg Spencer, Beth Hammond, Su Liudahl, Hope Crandell
Guest: Dorothy Soper
Bill opened the meeting by inviting board members to give library-related and personal news.
Su reported that the Creswell Library will complete its series of construction projects this year with a front porch remodel that aims to make the library the “front porch of the community.” They have money for the project on hand. Library visits are still by appointment, due to the pandemic, but 75 adults have signed up for a reading challenge and an indoor book sale is planned for this spring. Su plans to retire as library director this October.
Meg reported that the Siuslaw Library District celebrated the premiere of the movie “Dune” in November with a number of events. The book’s author, Frank Herbert, was a journalist in Florence, and is survived by family who still live in the area. The “Dune Room” at the library is filled with Herbert memorabilia donated by the family. The library is now open for in-person browsing Monday through Saturday. In personal news, In personal news, Meg said she just drove across the country with her husband. They have had a cross-country relationship since meeting four years ago, and they were just married in June while still living apart. Now he has accepted a full-time position at the U of O and will live in Florence.
Beth said she continues to work part-time at the library in Florence and is eager to be able to travel to visit family in Australia again.
Hope, a retired librarian and teacher, volunteers with the Friends of the Eugene Public Library for their book sale, which is scheduled again for April after a pandemic pause. She has also stewarded a large and busy Little Free Library in a neighborhood park for 11 years. The elementary school library when she volunteered has been so restricted by the pandemic that it no longer has volunteers. Hope would like to visit all of the rural volunteer libraries in Lane County this coming year to report on their Summer Reading Programs and other projects.
Dorothy Soper is the author of “We Are Akan,” a children’s historical novel set in Ghana, and is willing to donate hardcover copies to libraries. She said she might be a candidate for the LLL Board next year.
For the business part of the meeting, Bill reported that the terms of three Board Members are expiring this year – Bill, Meg, and Su. Beth moved (and Hope seconded) that the three members be reelected to another 2-year term. The motion passed unanimously.
Su moved and Hope seconded that the current slate of officers be reelected for a one-year term: Bill as President, Meg as Secretary, and Beth as Treasurer. The motion passed unanimously.
Bill reported that the Authors & Artists Fair fundraiser on December 11, 2021 was very popular and financially successful this year. The fair netted $5072 in profit for the LLL this year, compared to about $3100 for each of the previous two years. Together with several donations, including $1500 from Carol Shininger, Beth reported that the LLL now has $8184 in the bank.
Bill admitted that reports from the Summer Reading Programs in 2021 were incomplete. Five libraries submitted proposals for Summer Reading Programs, and were sent $500: Alvadore, Marcola, Upper McKenzie, Cascade Foothills and Leaburg. Only Alvadore and Upper McKenzie submitted reports on how the money was spent. River Road/Santa Clara did not receive funding from the LLL, but reported that they had used grants from Walmart, the Autzen Foundation, and the LCCC to buy a computer, install a cataloguing system, and host events. They asked for LLL funding in the coming year.
Meg suggested that a Google survey form, accessed by an online llink, would make it easier for the volunteer libraries to report on how money was spent, and to request funds for upcoming projects. The Board agreed, and Meg volunteered to set up the survey site. Bill moved and Su seconded that the LLL authorize up to $1000 per volunteer library in the coming year if they use the survey site to report on last year’s funding and submit a plan for using LLL funding in 2022. The requests for up to $1000 would still need to be evaluated and approved by the LLL Board. The motion passed unanimously.
Bill asked for authorization to plan the Authors & Artists Fair fundraiser for December 10, 2022. Approval was granted by consensus.
Bill thanked Su for hosting the Zoom meeting, and adjourned the meeting at 11:30am.
Submitted by Meg Spencer, Secretary
Lane Library League general meeting (virtual, by Zoom), 12:30pm, Jan. 28, 2021.
Summary: Lane Library League raises nearly $12,000 to rebuild burned library in Blue River
The main subject of the meeting was how to disburse the nearly $12,000 that the LLL raised in a GoFundMe campaign to help rebuild the library in Blue River that burned in a September 2020 wildfire. Attending the virtual meeting by Zoom were LLL Board members (Bill Sullivan, Beth Hammond, Su Liudahl, Meg Spencer, Rick Stoddart, and Hope Crandall), representatives of the O’Brien Memorial Library in Blue River (president Priscilla Oxley, Beverly Braun, Sherry Widdoes, and Aidan Wilson), Sally Leete of the Marcola library, and guests Don Kahle and Nancy Hoeker.
Library news – Su reported that during the COVID pandemic the Creswell Library had opened for curbside service and was delivering 60 bags of books and other library materials a week. They held a virtual summer reading program, lots of online children’s programs, virtual book clubs, and a produce exchange where people could pick up vegetables (half of them from Su’s large garden). Volunteers made free pandemic masks.
Meg reported that the Siuslaw Public Library in Florence also offered curbside pickup service, but that she missed the pre-virus times when the library was a community gathering spot with 500 visits a day.
Rick works for the University of Oregon library system, which is open during the pandemic to students, faculty, and staff but not the general public. Although 1.4 million people visit the libraries in a typical year, only 400,000 visited last year.
The “Library News” segment of the meeting turned to Blue River, with O’Brien Memorial Library president Priscilla Oxley describing the group’s plan to open a temporary library in the McKenzie Community Center in Rainbow. Priscilla expects it will cost about $3500 to buy shelving, a computer, a printer, and software that would enable them to open the temporary library in a small meeting room at the community center, perhaps by April. They would pay at least $128 a month for utilities, which is what they had paid in Blue River, but the utilities may cost more in Rainbow because it would include Internet access. At the temporary library they want to install software that would enable them to keep track of books, patrons, and check-outs electronically for the first time.
Beverly Braun reported that the O’Brien Memorial Library has just set up a website at a cost of $200 per year. The volunteer library’s annual budget is about $5000, entirely from donations. Beverly said she hopes the library could offer access to eBooks and other digital materials, but acknowledged this could be expensive. She noted that a countywide system would make access to digital materials much cheaper and simpler for everyone, if such a system could be established.
Sherry Widdoes discussed the need to choose a computer system that was small but durable, and could be moved when a new library is built.
Bev said that FEMA and their insurance will provide enough money to rebuild the library in Blue River as it was, but that the group would like a larger, better building. The current site is small, beside a hill, with no parking.
Meg described why providing countywide access to digital materials could be problematic – that a collection (not a consortium) or public libraries now negotiates for a good rate, and that volunteer libraries might not qualify.
Don Kahle asked if the GoFundMe campaign could be used to leverage matching funds from other sources. Beverly replied that the O’Brien Memorial Library has already received grants from the Ford Foundation and other sources.
Su said that the role of the LLL is not to micromanage the GoFundMe money, but rather to pass the money on to the O’Brien Memorial Library to use as they see fit. Rick asked if the O’Brien Memorial Library is a registered 501c3 nonprofit charity, and Priscilla assured him that it was.
Meg moved (and Su seconded) that the LLL Board transfer the full amount from the GoFundMe campaign to the board of the O’Brien Memorial Library. The motion passed unanimously. Priscilla noted that the check could be sent to the O’Brien Memorial Library, PO Box 291, Blue River, OR 97413.
Treasurer Beth Hammond said that the LLL will still have about $3500 in the bank after writing a check for Blue River. Su Liudahl suggested that volunteer libraries may reopen by this summer, and if so, they would undoubtedly welcome LLL funds for summer reading and other programs. Bill agreed to have the LLL Board meet by email in April to talk about providing that funding.
Elections – Bill asked if there were nominations for new members to the LLL Board, or if the members whose terms were expiring were willing to run for another two-year term. Beth, Rick, and Hope agreed to serve again. Su moved and Meg seconded a motion to reelect the three to another term. The motion passed unanimously. Bill asked for nominations for officers. When Su said she would prefer not to run as secretary, Meg offered to run instead. Beth moved and Rick seconded that the Board approve a slate of officers for the coming year: Bill as president, Beth as treasurer, and Meg as secretary. The motion passed unanimously.
Su suggested that the LLL website, lanelibrary.org, should include a way for people to donate to LLL projects, in the manner of CreswellFirst.org. Rick agreed. Bill proposed that he, Rick, and Su work on this issue.
Belatedly, Bill noted that Sally Leete of Marcola had joined the meeting, and asked her for news. She noted that the Marcola School District had an agreement to share the high school’s media center as a public library, and that volunteers were staffing the room. Their summer reading program in 2020 was small, but coordinated with a free lunch program for children. They use Donor Box for fundraising.
Before adjourning the meeting at 1:35pm, Bill invited everyone to join in a round of applause for Rick Stoddart, who had organized the successful GoFundMe campaign and a successful Zoom meeting, including people unfamiliar with that technology.
Submitted by Meg Spencer, LLL Secretary
General Meeting of the Lane Library League, January 27, 2020 at the Creswell Library.
Summary: Lane Library League allocates $4500 for volunteer libraries
At the Lane Library League’s annual general meeting, the Board decided to spend $4500 on Summer Reading and other grants to volunteer libraries in rural and suburban Lane County in the coming year. A successful Authors & Artists Fair in December had earned the LLL $3119, and Carol Shininger had donated an additional $1000 to make the grants possible.
The meeting in Creswell was a chance to showcase the newly expanded Creswell Library, which director Su Liudahl said had doubled in size this past year by buying and remodeling a health clinic next door.
The meeting began on a somber note, as Bill Sullivan reported that Maggie Osgood, the LLL’s former secretary and founder of the Lowell City Library, had lost her battle with cancer. Lowell is in the process of replacing their decrepit city hall/library by renovating a nearby church as the Maggie Osgood Library, with city hall offices inside. A later $1.7 million project would build a new city hall next door, allowing the library to expand. Lowell did not spend the $1000 that the Lane Library League sent them last year, but the Board decided to wait, encouraging the new project to move forward.
The approved grants for 2020 included $500 for a Summer Reading Program in Dorena, a rural community east of Cottage Grove with no library and no civic center. Pete Barrell, director of the Cottage Grove Library, has agreed to work on a way to restart the lapsed summer library program for Dorena children.
Other approved grants include $500 for Summer Reading Programs at volunteer libraries in Alvadore, Dexter, Leaburg, Marcola, and River Road/Santa Clara. Marcola received a $500 outright grant for a “wish list” of acquisitions. Other volunteer libraries will be asked to apply for an additional $1000 in competitive grants.
The Board approved Saturday, December 12, 2020 as the date for the next Authors & Artists Fair fundraiser.
More detailed minutes of the meeting are available in the longer version below.
Submitted by Su Liudahl, Secretary
Lane Library League
Lane Library League general meeting, Monday, January 27, 2020 at the Creswell Library
Present were Bill Sullivan (President) and LLL Board Members Meg Spencer, Rick Stoddart, Hope Crandall, Beth Hammond (Treasurer), and Su Liudahl (Secretary). Guests attending were Carol Shininger of Eugene and Sally Leete of the Marcola Media Center volunteer library.
Bill opened the meeting at 12:03pm and invited those present to share library-related news. He reported the sad news that Maggie Osgood, the LLL’s former secretary and founder of the Lowell City Library, had lost her battle with cancer last year.
REPORTS OF LIBRARY NEWS -- Sally explained that the Marcola Media Center was the result of a vote to build a new elementary school in Marcola in 2017. To broaden the appeal of the bond measure, it was agreed that the school library would be open as a community library as well. Run by volunteers, the library is open to the general public on Wednesday evenings and on Saturdays when school is not in session. The collection of books for adults is still small, and entirely donated. The school collection is larger and 90% funded by the school. Sally presented a “wish list” of things the library would like to buy if they had more grant money.
Hope asked about school media staffing; she is a retired school librarian from Marion County.
Rick said that he has moved from his job as director of the LCC library to a library assessment position at the UO Knight Library.
Su gave everyone a tour of the Creswell Library, which has doubled in size after an entire year of expansion and remodel. The adult collection is housed in what used to be a PeaceHealth medical clinic adjacent to the old library. By knocking out most of a concrete block wall the former clinic and old library have merged. The old part of the library now looks new, with murals, a historic safe door, and displays. The teen area is large, with glass doors. The children’s section is now so large that when the bookshelves are rolled aside it can be used as a lecture hall that seats 100. The library currently has 5 paid employees (3.7 FTE) and 40 regular volunteers. There are 5 internet-connected computers available to patrons, which is enough because most patrons bring their own devices and just use the library’s wifi. The next project on Su’s wish list is the addition of a large, covered front porch.
AUTHORS & ARTISTS FAIR – Bill reported that the LLL’s annual fundraiser earned $3119.23, almost exactly as much as in 2018, but much more than in 2017 or 2016. The LLL saved $500 by dropping paid advertising with KLCC, and instead relying on social media and free newspaper articles. Su contributed $50 to purchase Facebook ads. Rick noted that we might save about $40 if credit card sales could be handled through a system that charges a 3% fee instead of 4%. He also suggested that cashiers could ask clients if they want to “round up” their charge with a donation. Bill agreed this was a good idea, and easy to implement. Bill pointed out that the UO Bookstore no longer staffs tables at the A&A Fair because the “Duck Store” no longer focuses on selling books. He suggested that the OSU Press, the Timber Press, or Sasquatch Books might be invited to attend instead. Beth agreed that this would add diversity to our offerings, especially with more children’s books. Although these publishers would have to donate the standard 25% of sales to the LLL, they might want to attend for the sake of publicity.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Together with A&A Fair profits, $800 in uncashed checks from the Dorena Summer Reading Program, and a $1000 donation from Carol Shininger, the LLL’s bank account at Selco is now $5314.89.
2019 GRANT REPORTS – Bill said all of the grant recipients from last year have now filed reports. In 2019 the LLL provided $500 each for Summer Reading Programs at Alvadore, Dexter (Cascade Foothills), Leaburg, Lowell, Marcola, and River Road/Santa Clara. In addition, we sent checks for $500 to Lowell for shelving in a new library, $500 to Alvadore for paint and repairs, $300 to Dorena for a shade shelter, $100 to Marcola for astronomy books, and $100 to RR/SC for children’s books.
RIVER ROAD/SANTA CLARA sent the most detailed report, with color photos describing each of the 4 days of their Summer Reading Program. They spent $75 for a program from the Eugene Science Center and $150 for a program from the Cascade Raptor Center, which drew the largest crowd of 19 kids and 9 adults.
CASCADE FOOTHILLS supplemented the LLL’s $500 grant with $1700 in additional grants to put on an impressive Summer Reading Program with free books, art projects, snacks, and programming for the attendees.
LEABURG used the $500 SRP grant for a different project, to remodel a special room with display cases for a recently donated collection of 400 rare books and first editions.
ALVADORE used the SRP funding to provide books, snacks, prizes, and craft projects, but were disappointed that the number of children attending was low. The volunteers are planning to use the supplies for additional events, trying to expand their audience.
LOWELL’s library has been closed because the city hall building is unsafe, and because the volunteer director, Maggie Osgood, passed away. Maggie had been encouraging the city to buy a nearby Jehovah’s Witness Hall to renovate as a new city hall and library. Jared Cobb, Lowell’s city administrator, reported that the city had indeed acquired the church and now was involved in planning. The city council was expected to vote soon on a proposal to spend $284,000 to remodel the church as a small library and a small city hall as a first step. The next stage would be to spend $1.7 million to build a larger city hall next door, allowing the library to expand. He said the new library would be named the Maggie Osgood Library. He reported, however, that none of the $1000 of LLL grant money from 2019 had been spent because there was no summer reading program and the new building plans had not yet been approved. He asked if Lowell should return the money. Su suggested that we wait a while to see if the building plans are finalized. If the plans remain unfinished, we should ask for the money back and hold it in reserve until plans are ready. In the meantime, the LLL should not commit more funds to Lowell until it is clear how they will be used. Bill pointed out that Lowell is an official Public Library, which means that it automatically receives $1000 a year from the State Library for Summer Reading Programs. The board discussed this and agreed: the LLL wants to honor Maggie and support the relocation of the library, but would like to see more details about this project before allocating more than the $1000 that was sent in 2019.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS – Bill noted that terms are expiring for three board members: Bill, Su, and Meg. He asked if there were other candidates for the board. Hope moved and Beth seconded that Bill, Su, and Meg be reinstated for another 2-year term. The motion passed unanimously. Then Bill asked for candidates for the three officer positions required by state law. After some discussion, Meg moved and Rick seconded that the three current officers be reelected for another year. The motion passed unanimously.
AUTHORIZATION OF GRANT FUNDS FOR 2020 -- With $5314 available to disburse, there was lively discussion about how best to allocate funds in 2020.
Bill said he had spoken with the Eugene Public Library Foundation’s new director, Reed McGowan. When Bill was president of the EPLF 18 years ago, the group had insisted that all of the money they raised must be spent to benefit Eugene taxpayers, and not people in outlying areas. Reed reported that the EPLF was now considering buying library cards for children in suburban areas that are not within the city limits – a program that might be called “Early Access Initiative” or “Books for All Children.” The Eugene library currently earns about $20,000 a year by selling library cards to non-city-taxpayers for $11 a month. Bill suggested that the LLL might encourage this effort by offering at least $500 toward the program. Su pointed out that our contribution would buy annual library cards for about 4 children, but if we used the same $500 for a volunteer library it would provide library access for dozens of children. Meg agreed, pointing out that library cards at Creswell, Florence, and Springfield are much cheaper than in Eugene; perhaps we should encourage patrons to go there instead? She noted that the EPLF has an annual budget nearly 100 times larger than the LLL’s. A grant of $500 would hardly be noticed in Eugene, but could make a world of difference to a volunteer library. Why should we send children to the Bethel Branch of the EPL when the River Road/Santa Clara volunteer library is in the same area, has a good children’s collection, and is underutilized? Meg suggested that Bill should write a letter of support to the EPLF, encouraging their outreach efforts to suburban children, and offering to assist with publicity.
Beth asked about the LLL’s “Read 2 ME” program, providing free books to young families in rural Lane County. Did this program need more funding? Bill reported that Parenting Now! delivers the LLL’s free book bags only to “at-risk” families identified by Lane County. As a result, this program reaches only about 300 families a year. Our supply of free books and book bags is adequate for several more years.
Meg noted that United Way is now offering free monthly by-mail delivery of books to children in rural Lane County through the Imagination Library program founded by Dolly Parton in Tennessee. The families must sign up to join. The LLL could help spread the word about this program, but it does not require our financial support.
Meg moved that the LLL allocate $500 each to the Alvadore, Leaburg, Dexter, Marcola, and River Road/Santa Clara volunteer libraries for Summer Reading Programs. An additional $500 would be set aside for a Summer Reading Program in Dorena, if an acceptable proposal could be developed by Pete Barrell at the Cottage Grove library. A $500 outright grant would be given to the Marcola Media Center based on the “wish list” provided by Sally Leete. And $1000 would be made available for competitive grants of up to $500 each to the volunteer libraries in Alvadore, Dexter, Leaburg, and River Road/Santa Clara. Those 4 libraries would have to submit grant requests, which would be prioritized and selected by the LLL board. Su seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
AUTHORIZATION OF AUTHORS & ARTISTS FAIR FOR 2020 – Beth moved and Meg seconded that the LLL’s next fundraiser be set for Saturday, December 12, 2020.
Bill adjourned the meeting at 1:35pm, and most board members retired to the Creswell Bakery for a late lunch.
Minutes submitted by Su Liudahl, Secretary
General meeting of the Lane Library League on Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 1958 Onyx Street, Eugene.
President Bill Sullivan called the meeting to order at 1:05pm. Board members and guests introduced themselves and gave reports on library activities:
Carol Shininger, a guest who has been a steadfast donor to the LLL, reported that she became interested in the LLL’s work after she moved from Coos Bay (with a county library system open to everyone) to rural Lane County (without a county-wide system). Retired for 20 years, she recently moved to Eugene.
Rick Stoddart moved to the area 6 months ago to accept a position as library dean at Lane Community College. He has been assessing the library resources in the county, trying to see how LCC could help, in part through the school’s community education program. The school now offers a $10/year community borrower library card that gives county residents access to LCC’s library. In addition, a free “Community Scholar Class” would allow residents to qualify as an LCC student for the purpose of library privileges.
Hope Crandall reported that she has been involved in language immersion classroom work, setting up Little Free Libraries in Eugene, volunteering at the K-8 Village School, and helping rural low-income families.
Su Liudahl, director of the Creswell Library, recalled that after the LLL helped Creswell form its library district (which passed in 2004 with a margin of just 19 votes), they leased half of a hardware store to serve as a library. They bought the entire property in 2016 and have since spent $580,000 to remodel the other half of the building, doubling the size of the library. A grand opening is scheduled for June.
Joe Blakely attended with his wife Saundra. They have been long-time donors to the LLL. Joe is an author, and reported that he is working on several new book projects about Oregon history.
Beth Hammond introduced herself as LLL treasurer and as a part-time employee at the Florence library.
Meg Spencer, director of the Siuslaw Public Library in Florence, reported that 500 people walk through the doors of the Florence library each day – a number that represents a surprisingly large 7% of the population of Florence. She has also been participating in the Siuslaw Vision project, helping to plan for the future of the area’s schools, parks, and transportation. As chair of the state ODLC she helps oversee a consortium of Oregon libraries that contract with publishers to buy access to eBooks, audio books, and other digital materials for their patrons. The Oregon State Library contributes $50,000 a year toward this service. Meg said publishers are suspicious that selling eBooks to libraries might cut into their other sales, and so only provide a limited number of copies. As a result the average wait time to check out an eBook or audio book is 40 days.
AUTHORS & ARTISTS FAIR – Sullivan reported that the 2018 fundraising event netted $3218, more than $1000 more than in recent years. He speculated that the increase was due to several factors – replacing radio ads with inexpensive social media, replacing the UO Duck Store table with 6 more authors, and a reduction in the rental charge for the room rental at the fairgrounds.
SUMMER READING AND OTHER PROGRAMS – Sullivan shared Summer Reading Program reports from participating volunteer libraries. Interest in this program remains good. The “Read2Me” program is now in its third year, providing free books to the at-risk families with newborns in Lane County. The books are delivered by Parenting Now!, a non-profit group with a contract from the county to check on children of at-risk families. During that past year United Way of Lane County has reached out to the Lane Library League to explore the possibility of extending the Imagination Library to rural Lane County. Founded by Dolly Parton, the Tennnessee-based Imagination Library mails a free book every month to children age 0-5 whose parents sign up. United Way is funding the program with a bequest they received for about $30,000, which is only enough for a pilot program in the zip code area that encompasses Oakridge and Westfir. The LLL could become more involved if the program expands.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS – The Board acknowledged the sad loss of LLL secretary Maggie Osgood. Maggie helped create the Lowell City Library, but lost a year-long battle with cancer earlier this month. Sullivan asked for nominations of new Board members. Meg Spencer moved (and Su Liudahl seconded) that the Board elect Rick Stoddart and Hope Crandall to two-year terms, and that Beth Hammond be re-elected for a two-year term. The motion passed unanimously. Then Meg moved and Su seconded that the Board (re)elect Bill Sullivan as president, re-elect Beth Hammond as treasurer, and elect Su Liudahl as secretary. This motion also passed unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS – There was much discussion about how to spend the $5355 in the LLL bank account. Bill asked if there were a way to fund a county-wide “virtual library” that would allow all residents to check out digital materials (eBooks and audio books) online. He suggested that a “virtual library” could be a stepping stone to a more comprehensive county system, such as has been developed in many other Oregon counties. Meg said this is worth exploring, but that it would require much more money than the LLL has. A county-wide “virtual library” would probably also have to exclude the City of Eugene, because the library there has a different, even more expansive deal with publishers. Bill asked if the new county commissioners might be interested in exploring a “virtual library” plan. Rick pointed out that access to digital materials would not be enough for rural, low-income residents who lack computers or internet access. Meg said that publishers would still want people to have some kind of library card, although these could be issued at public and volunteer libraries. Su added that librarians would be needed to show people how to sign up and download digital materials.
Meg moved (and Su seconded) that the LLL give $500 grants for Summer Reading (or other library uses) to each of seven volunteer libraries: Alvadore, Cascade (Dexter), Dorena program, Leaburg, Lowell, Marcola, and River Road/Santa Clara – for a total expenditure of $3500. In addition, competitive grants of up to $500 would be offered to volunteer libraries that submit a one-paragraph explanation of a special one-time need. The total amount of these additional competitive grants would be limited to $1500. The motion carried unanimously.
Sullivan asked that the Board authorize him to begin planning for the next Authors & Artists Fair on December 7, 2019. The date was approved, and Sullivan adjourned the meeting.
Sullivan’s notes for the meeting’s minutes were edited and submitted by secretary Su Liudahl.
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Minutes of the Lane Library League general meeting, 12noon, Wednesday, January 31, 2018, at 1958 Onyx Street, Eugene.
In attendance: Bill Sullivan (president), Beth Hammond (treasurer), Maggie Osgood (secretary), Su Liudahl (board member), and Meg Spencer (board member).
Reports from libraries and board members –
Maggie, volunteer director at the Lowell Public Library, noted that the Lowell city administrator, Jared Cobb, is a fan of libraries. He saw to it that they were provided with three new computers for patrons to use. Lowell does not charge an “out-of-district” fee, so anyone can use the computers and check out books for free. Maggie complained that registering with the Oregon State Library as an official public library has been “a pain.” Although the state sends $1000 a year to fund summer reading and literacy programs, in exchange they require a lot of paperwork, much of it with questions that don’t seem pertinent or important in Lowell.
Su, director of the Creswell Public Library, reported that her library last year bought the building they had been renting for eleven years. They are already using meeting rooms in what had been an adjacent medical clinic. They want to knock down some walls and fully expand into the extra space, but need to raise another $800,000. The expansion might also trigger new city regulations, reducing their parking lot and moving new construction next to the sidewalk. Su is also looking at other options. Creswell’s old community center is a block away. It has been purchased by the fire department, but isn’t in use. And due to the determination of former Lane Library League secretary Verlean McCoy, Creswell’s original library building has been sold by the city to a local non-profit heritage group for preservation. Two blocks from the current library, the historic library building is a century-old schoolhouse. Its future use is still uncertain. Meanwhile, Su reports that the Creswell Library has 2 full-time and 3 part-time employees and 30 volunteers. People from outlying areas who can’t afford the out-of-district library fee of $50 are allowed to “work it off” by volunteering for 20 hours. Su says that a surprising number of people take advantage of this offer. She wishes, however, that scholarships were available to buy library cards for needy out-of-district patrons, and wonders if this is something the LLL could fund.
Beth reported that Bonnie Schwetzger at the Mapleton branch of the Siuslaw Library District has done an admirable job of working together with the Mapleton School District. At storytimes, older students read out loud to younger children – a practice that has been documented to be extremely beneficial for all involved. Elementary schoolchildren also come to the library on field trips to check out books they can read during school reading periods.
Meg, director of the Siuslaw Library District in Florence, remarked that the past few months have seen an unexplained 60% increase in new library card applications over last year’s numbers. Cardholders must have proof of residency, either as an owner or a renter. All ages are signing up. She doesn’t know if the area’s population could really be increasing this rapidly. On a related topic, she said the library was serving as the host for “Siuslaw Vision”, a community planning program sponsored by the Ford Family Foundation to get feedback on what people want the Florence area to be like in ten years. Meanwhile, because of retirements and new hires, Meg admits she is no longer the youngest person on the library staff.
Bill reported that a new volunteer library has opened in the Marcola Elementary School. The Friends of the Marcola Schools Media Center formed a non-profit and worked with the school district to staff the media center with volunteers, open it to the public, extend library borrowing privileges to all community members, and acquire materials appropriate for teens and adults. The library is now open to the public Wednesday afternoons and evenings and one Saturday a month.
Treasurer’s Report –
Beth reported that the LLL bank account is currently $3133.70. We are expecting an additional check from the UO Duck Store for $300. This year’s bank balance includes income from the Authors & Artists Fair, as well as some large donations: $500 from Joe Blakely, $500 from Carol Shininger, and $200 from Cathy Briner.
Authors & Artists Fair –
Bill reported that this fundraising event on December 9, 2017 netted $1936.31, about the same amount as in the past two years. Rent at the fairgrounds decreased from $1540 to $900. Donations at the door increased only $50 over last year, even though “Read2ME” children’s books were offered for donations of $10. Su suggested that we stop paying $500 to KLCC for radio ads and instead budget $50 for targeted Facebook ads. She offered to undertake this switch, and all approved. Next year’s Authors & Artists Fair will be held on Saturday, December 8, 2018.
Summer Reading Program –
The LLL sent $300 to each of six volunteer libraries or library groups in 2017. Three of these have not yet reported on how the money was spent. The River Road/Santa Clara Volunteer Library sent a detailed report with photos about the 4 programs and 83 children who attended. The Cascade Foothills Library in Dexter added the LLL’s $300 to a Chambers Family Foundation grant of $2600 to fund a 6-week program with 30 kids. The Lowell Public Library used the grant to buy books. The LLL board decided to withhold future funding from the Leaburg, Alvadore, and Dorena summer reading programs until they send in reports.
Read2ME Program –
In 2017 the Lane Library League published two children’s books to give to parents of newborns in rural Lane County. The books are in bags delivered for free by the staff of Parenting Now during home visits. Bill relayed a report for Lynne Swartz, director of Parenting Now:
We have distributed all but about 30 of the bags we were given. We have taken them directly to families that we visit in the targeted rural areas, and made them available for families at rural family resource centers, food pantries, and other places young families go for services.
The reception for the books has been very positive. Families are thrilled to receive books for their children, and in many cases, the books they receive are among the first the child owns himself. The bookmark with literacy tips appears to be just the right amount of information to stress the importance of reading with your child, without being overwhelming to parents. Struggling parents especially appreciate being given these high quality, interesting and fun books to share with their children. The books provide a positive parent-child activity that both kids and parents enjoy over and over, as the child will often say, when the book is finished, "Again! Again!"
Bill wondered why only about 250 book bags had been delivered in the past year, although he had estimated that 800 children are born in rural areas annually. Meg noted that Parenting Now only visits the homes of families that are deemed “at risk”, mostly because of poverty. About a third of rural families fall into this category, and that is why only a third of the parents of newborns had received books. Bill agreed that “at risk” families were a primary concern, but suggested the LLL look into ways to reach still more families.
There was some discussion about the popular “Imagination Library” program and how it differs from “Read2ME.” Both programs provide free books to children. The Imagination Library, branded by superstar Dolly Parton, ships books from Nashville, Tennessee that are chosen from Penguin Books’ catalog without the advice of librarians. The program costs more than 100 times as much per child as Read2ME, but delivers books monthly to children age 0-5, if their parents sign up. Meg said that donors like the Imagination Library, but it deflects dollars from more effective local programs. When a donor offered to fund the program in Florence, she said, “I can do better.” She bought discounted children’s books and arranged with Parenting Now to distribute them. Her goal, she says, was to entice new patrons to visit the library, so each book bag included a coupon for a free book if they visited the library in person. Meg’s effort inspired the Read2ME program of the Lane Library League. The LLL’s goal is to provide books to young families in otherwise “unserved” areas and to make them aware of free library programs available to everyone.
Elections – Maggie moved and Meg seconded that current officers be reelected and board members with expiring terms have their terms extended for two years. Everyone agreed. Board members with renewed two-year terms are Bill Sullivan, Su Liudahl, and Meg Spencer.
Authorizations – Meg moved and Su seconded that $400 be awarded to each of seven volunteer libraries or volunteer groups, if they have provided an accounting for last year’s grant. The prospective grant recipients are Alvadore, Cascade Foothills, Dorena, Leaburg, Lowell, Marcola, and River Road/Santa Clara.
The meeting adjourned at 1pm.
Submitted by Maggie Osgood, Secretary, LLL
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Minutes – Lane Library League general meeting
January 25, 2017, at 1958 Onyx, Eugene
President Bill Sullivan called the meeting to order at 12 noon, with Treasurer Beth Hammond and Secretary Maggie Osgood attending in person, and board member Meg Spencer attending by speaker phone from Florence.
The meeting began with a discussion of the closure of the Douglas County Library, with the Roseburg library set to close on May 30. Libraries in Lane County (and the Lane Library League website www.lanelibrary.org) have been flooded with requests from people in Douglas County asking if they can use our library system for free. They are disheartened to learn that they must pay for non-resident library cards at our 12 tax-supported libraries, just as most rural and suburban Lane County people must. Most of our 6 volunteer libraries in Lane County, however, do allow free use for everyone.
Maggie noted that Lowell’s new school superintendent and city manager have greatly improved the town’s outlook, and that the library’s summer reading program will be held at the school next summer in conjunction with other free programs, so attendance should be higher.
Bill reported that the Authors & Artists Fair, our annual fundraiser in December, raised 2060.27.
Beth, our treasurer, reported that our bank account is 3383.67, counting recent donations, money carried over from last year, and recent expenses.
Last year the LLL distributed 7 grants of $400 apiece to volunteer libraries and other groups to fund summer reading programs. Of these, 5 have responded with news of how the money was spent. We are still waiting to hear from the programs in Dorena and Lorane, areas that do not have even a volunteer library.
The new “Read 2 ME” program, which will give free children’s books to the parents of every newborn in otherwise unserved areas of Lane County, is ready to begin within a week, Bill reported. We have 1000 tote bags, 1000 “Baby Cat” board books, and some instructional bookmarks ready for distribution by Parenting Now. We do not yet have books for older kids or other materials that we might want to add to the gift bags. The board considered several options for a book that would be appropriate for children age 1-4, Kurt Cyrus’ “Big Rig Bugs” (at $1700 for 1000 copies), a collection of PaperCraft Storybooks (at $1500 for 1000 copies), and a book written for free by Sullivan and illustrated by his daughter, “The Super Hungry Dinosaur” (at $1100 for 1000 copies).
For our elections, the board voted unanimously to elect Beth Hammond and Maggie Osgood to another 2-year term on the board, and to re-elect the current officers for another year: Bill Sullivan, President; Beth Hammond, Treasurer; and Maggie Osgood, Secretary.
In New Business, the board discussed how to spend our funds for the current year. Beth Hammond moved, and Meg Spencer seconded, that we allocate $300 to each of last year’s 7 Summer Reading grant recipients (on the condition that the programs in Dorena and Lorane provide reports on last year’s grant). The motion also included additional funding for the Read 2 ME program, with $80 to print more informational bookmarks, and $1100 to print 1000 copies of “The Super Hungry Dinosaur.” The budget motion passed unanimously. This will leave the LLL with about $120 in the bank. Meg noted that the purpose of raising money was to spend it on worthwhile causes, to spread literacy, and to help Lane County’s neediest families.
In other New Business, the board agreed to hold our fundraiser, the 18th annual “Authors & Artists Fair” on Saturday, December 9, 2017. That event is open to the public for free. Donations of $1-5 have been requested at the door, but the income from that system has been declining. To encourage donations, the board agreed to offer a free “Read To Me” tote bag to people who donate $1, and a free copy of either “Baby Cat” or “The Super Hungry Dinosaur” to people who donate $10.
The meeting adjourned at 1pm.
-- Maggie Osgood, Secretary
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Minutes – Lane Library League general meeting, Wed., February 3, 2016
At the Lane Library League’s general meeting the board praised donors and the Authors & Artists Fair for raising $4400 this past year. After electing officers and a new board member, the board voted to authorize $400 for each of half a dozen Summer Reading Programs in rural Lane County. The board also approved a $400 grant to the volunteer-run Lowell City Library, and set aside $1600 for a possible new “Read to Me” program that would put children’s books and library information into the hands of hundreds of new parents throughout the county.
The meeting was held at the home of Beth Hammond, in a rural forest subdivision near Mapleton that was excluded from the surrounding Siuslaw Library District by Lane County’s erstwhile Boundary Commission. Attending were president Bill Sullivan, secretary Maggie Osgood, treasurer Beth Hammond, and guests Stephen Skidmore (retired Siuslaw Library) and Meg Spencer (current Siuslaw Library director). Board member Su Liudahl was on vacation in Hawaii. Hammond served a very spicy and delicious taco soup, so the meeting proper was not called to order until 12:30pm.
Authors & Artists Fair report:
For the benefit of guests, Sullivan recounted the 16-year history of this fundraiser, which earned $10,000 a year as the primary fundraising event of the Eugene Public Library Foundation from 2000-2006. When the Eugene Public Library canceled the fair to reduce demands on staff and resources, the LLL became the new beneficiary. A simpler version of the event has been held at the Lane County fairgrounds since then. Because only about 40 local authors are chosen each year from a list of more than 600, the fair has become an anticipated literary event as well as a way to raise awareness of the county’s library needs. The 2015 fair netted $2123. The biggest expenses were $1540 for the fairgrounds rental, $255 for insurance, and $505 for KLCC ads. This coming year’s Authors & Artists Fair is scheduled for Saturday, December 10.
2015 Summer Reading Program report:
Reports are in for 5 of the 6 programs that received $400 in LLL funds in 2015.
The Alvadore Volunteer Library hosted 15 children at its summer reading program, and used the remaining money to update its children’s book section and help pay for a new high-speed Internet connection.
The Cascade Foothills Library in Dexter had 45 children attend a SRP with the theme “Every Hero Has a Story.” The program provided free books and free snacks. The Dexter fire department brought a fire truck to one session.
The Leaburg Volunteer Library lacked the volunteers to run its usual SRP this year, so they used the money instead to buy children’s books, bookends, and a new “Story Hour” event sign to display on Highway 126.
Lorane does not have a library, so they used the SRP money to have kids build and stock two “Little Free Libraries,” which were officially planted on September 19.
The River Road/Santa Clara Volunteer Library had children attend weekly SRP events each Saturday in August. Guest presenters included speakers from the Greenhill Humane Society (with a dog ambassador named Sweet Pea) and the Science Factory (with Art-Bots that painted patterns).
The Dorena SRP has not yet reported. For many years the two volunteers there have held the Summer Reading Program on a Post Office lawn, providing children with lunch as well books. There is no library building. Hammond will try to contact the volunteers.
After opening the floor to nominations, the board re-elected current officers for another year. Board members Sullivan and Liudahl were elected to another two-year term. The board voted to add a fifth member, Meg Spencer, for a two-year term. Spencer is the director of the Siuslaw Public Library.
New Business:
Sullivan noted that the LLL could continue to fund the Summer Reading Program applicants from last year, offer a similar grant to the volunteer-run Lowell City Library, and still have $1600 to save, distribute via competitive grants, or launch a new program. He suggested that the LLL might join in the “Imagination Library” program founded by Dolly Parton, which sends a book every month to enrolled children age 1-5. The Eugene Public Library Foundation joined this program in 2014, spending $25 per child to reach 2500 Eugene pre-schoolers. Osgood said that the Lowell City Library is also part of this program, but that it is unfriendly for her to use. The books are shipped from Parton’s Tennessee foundation, which takes a cut of the money and demands computer compliance for addresses and accounting. Spencer said that the Siuslaw Library District reaches a wider range of young parents at a tenth of the cost by partnering with Lane County’s “Healthy Families” program. This method does not send books monthly, but it does provide the parents of every three-month-old child with a sturdy board book, a “Read To Me” bib, and information about library services. Hammond agreed to investigate this option, and to help organize the preparation of the necessary book packages, if need be.
Spencer moved, and Osgood seconded, a motion to fund SRPs at $400 apiece, offer a similar $400 grant to the Lowell City Library, and set aside $1600 while the feasibility of a “Read to Me” program is investigated. If the “Read to Me” program proves unfeasible the money would be used for additional grants to volunteer libraries. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30pm.
(Notes by Bill Sullivan for Maggie Osgood.)
Minutes of the Lane Library League general meeting, Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 1958 Onyx Street, Eugene. Present: Bill Sullivan (president), Beth Hammond (treasurer), Maggie Osgood (secretary), Su Liudahl (at-large board member), and Shirley West (outgoing Summer Reading Program coordinator).
Sullivan called the meeting to order at noon, and opened the floor to reports.
Hammond noted that a major Register-Guard editorial on January 18 questioned the City of Eugene’s strategy of asking voters to approve temporary city library funding levies without having a long-term plan. The newspaper wrote:
“Among Oregon’s 10 biggest public library systems, only Eugene’s is entirely dependent on city support. The others are funded through library districts or counties, sometimes in partnership with cities.”
The editorial noted that 22 percent of Lane County lacks public library service altogether, and that Eugene should consider working with the other local public libraries and volunteer libraries to develop a permanent funding solution that reaches more people.
In the discussion that followed, Sullivan suggested that Washington and Benton Counties might provide good role models for a solution. A county-wide district at a moderate tax rate would provide permanent funding for basic service. Then Eugene (and possibly other cities) could choose to provide additional funding to enhance service for their residents. Liudahl commented that almost any cooperative solution would require local jurisdictions to give up some level of control, and that this is difficult politically.
In other news, Hammond reported that the Siuslaw Library District in Florence has a new, ambitious director -- the youngest person on that library’s staff – who has been making good use of volunteer help.
Liudahl, director of the Lane Library District’s Creswell Public Library, reported that her library needs to double its space. Her district is hoping to buy their current building, expand into a portion of the building that will soon become vacant, and build an addition that will connect with the outdoor farmer’s market held behind the building. Inspection of the building, a former hardware store, is required to check for paint thinner and gasoline spills, and will cost $16,000.
Osgood, volunteer director of the Lowell City Library, reported that by achieving official “public library” designation, her library now receives $1000 annually from the state for summer reading and “Ready to Read” literacy programs. This nearly doubles the library’s annual budget, which also consists of donations and $1000 a year from the city of Lowell.
In Old Business, Sullivan reported that the Lane Library League’s annual fundraiser, the Authors & Artists Fair, had earned a profit of $1483.14. This a good result, and reflects a lot of volunteer help as well as an improving economy.
Hammond also noted two significant donations: $250 from Carol Shininger of Dorena and $1000 from Eugene author Joe Blakely. The board applauded these gifts. Together with donations, the LLL bank account now stands at $2645.68.
In New Business, the board voted to renew the board memberships of Hammond and Osgood for two years, and to re-elect the current officers for a year.
West, the outgoing coordinator of the LLL’s Summer Reading Program, reported that the LLL gave $200-300 to summer reading projects at Alvadore, Dorena, River Road/Santa Clara, and Cascade Foothills (Dexter) this summer. The board applauded West for her years of work, and asked for suggestions for administering the program in the future. West said that the volunteers who run the local summer reading programs work hard and use our money carefully, so they can be trusted to continue with less direct supervision.
After discussion, the board agreed by consensus to invite the county’s volunteer libraries to submit one-paragraph email applications for grants of up to $400 each this year. The grants could be used for summer reading programs or “Ready to Read” programs, including (for example) storytimes, early literacy projects, purchase of new materials, or even building a puppet stage. The focus would need to be on children, and not (for example) on building maintenance. Sullivan will send out an email request for applications soon. The board will then consider the applications and send out checks this spring. Grant recipients would be expected to send a one-paragraph report in the fall, explaining how they used the money.
Before adjournment the board authorized the next Authors & Artists Fair fundraiser, to be held on Saturday, December 5, 2015.
* * *
Minutes of the Lane Library League general meeting, Thursday, January 30, 2014, in the Lowell City Library. Present: Bill Sullivan (president), Beth Hammond (treasurer), Maggie Osgood (secretary), Su Liudahl, Shirley Perez West.
Maggie Osgood, volunteer director of the Lowell City Library, led a tour of the library housed in Lowell’s City Hall. Then LLL president Bill Sullivan called the meeting to order at 12:40pm.
Su Liudahl, director of Creswell’s library, volunteered to replace retired Siuslaw library director Stephen Skidmore as the LLL laiason to the Lane Council of Librarians. The LCOL limits its membership to professional librarians of tax-supported libraries, and does not hold meetings that are open to the public. Su reported that an LCOL agreement now offers reciprocal borrowing priveleges among all tax-supported libraries except Eugene. A person with a library card in Springfield, for example, can use that card to check out books in Cottage Grove, but not Eugene. Su also noted that Creswell’s library is negotiating an agreement to buy their library building from the current owner, if they can raise $1 million in three years. She is optimistic.
LCOL has joined the Oregon Digital Library Consortium, which allows their patrons to download digital books to cell phones and other digital devices. Bill asked if the Lane Library League might someday offer this popular service to patrons of volunteer libraries. Su said this would take some negotiation, and there would be a fee of at least several thousand dollars a year. Still, Bill said this kind of “virtual library” might eventually be an achievable goal for the LLL.
Beth Hammond, LLL treasurer, reported that the freak snowstorm in December had hurt the LLL’s annual Authors & Artists Fair fundraising event. The event usually raises $3000, but this year lost $1476. Still, a spate of generous year-end donations has lifted the LLL bank account to $1189.92.
The group discussed a variety of fundraising options. Bill reported that Pete Barrell had suggested holding an event at the Axe & Fiddle in Cottage Grove, and that Leigh Anne Jasheway had proposed holding a comedy event in Eugene. Bill also noted that the Leaburg volunteer library had held an auction that raised more than $10,000. Maggie said Pete Peterson had put on a historical drama at the Lowell Grange that raised $700. Su pointed out that people are more willing to donate to events that support their local communities, rather than county-wide projects, especially in rural areas. Beth said it would be a good idea for the LLL to help volunteer libraries organize local fundraising events, perhaps by booking a speaker or performance that could be used in many different locations.
After much discussion, the board decided to hold the Authors & Artists Fair again this coming December. The LLL will continue to welcome donations, but lacks the manpower to organize an additional fundraiser. As a result, the LLL may have to make do with a bank account of $1189.92 this year.
Shirley Perez West, who administers the LLL’s Summer Reading Program, reported that the number of summer reading sites declined last summer from 6 to 5. We gave out a total of $2400. Cascade Foothills Library and the Lorane Rural Art Center each received $650. Several sites had money left over, which we encouraged them to spend on books.
Maggie moved, Beth seconded, and the board approved authorizing $1000 for this year’s summer program, and an additional $100 for Shirley Perez West to administer the program. The board encouraged Shirley to let people know why we had less cash to distribute this year, and to encourage them to seek matching funds among local supporters.
Bill opened nominations for officers and board members for the coming year. The current officers said they were willing to serve again, and because there were no other nominations, they were elected for another year. Bill then nominated Su Liudahl for a two-year term on the LLL board. She was elected unanimously. Bill adjourned the meeting at 1:45pm.
Submitted by Bill Sullivan for Maggie Osgood, secretary
* * *
MINUTES -- Lane Library League meeting
5:30pm, Tuesday, January 15, 2013
1958 Onyx St., Eugene
President Bill Sullivan called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Beth Hammond, Treasurer, and Maggie Osgood, Secretary, present.
Beth reported that the Oregon State Library is launching an Oregon Library Passport program that will allow people to check out and return materials at any participating library in the state. Materials would have to be returned to the same library where they were checked out. While exciting, this program will be of limited use in Lane County because it does not include volunteer libraries or people served by volunteer libraries -- and although the Siuslaw and Springfield libraries will participate, the Eugene Public Library has decided not to.
Treasurer’s Report: The Lane Library League has $4904 in the bank, largely because the Authors & Artists Fair did better this year, netting $2426.
The Board authorized $3000 for the 2013 Summer Reading Program, to be administered by Shirley Perez West.
The Board decided to spend the LLL’s remaining funds, nearly $2000, on cash grants to the seven volunteer libraries in Lane County. In the next month Bill will ask the libraries to send in a one-sentence proposal for grants of $200-600. The grant proposals may be for any need, including fixing the roof or buying shelves. Maggie Osgood pointed out that many small volunteer libraries are still checking out books by hand with pen and paper, but for about $600 they could buy a computer program with bar codes and a scanner to check books out electronically. The Board seemed to think this was a good idea, and grant proposals for scanners might be favored.
The Board set the date for the 14th Annual Authors & Artists Fair for Saturday, December 7, 2013. To simplify accounting, the sales fee for artists will be lowered from 30% to 25% -- the same rate as for authors.
Maggie noted that Dragon Theater Puppets, an excellent private performance group, came to Lowell as part of the Oregon State Library’s Summer Reading Program. Lowell is now officially a “public library” by state standards, and so receives $1000 in cash and other assistance from the state for summer reading and literacy programs. The Board expressed interest in having the puppet theater give performances for other local volunteer libraries, if this could be arranged.
The Board re-elected officers and board members: Bill Sullivan, president; Beth Hammond, treasurer; Maggie Osgood, secretary. The meeting adjourned at 6:20.
Minutes -- Lane Library League general meeting
January 31, 2012, at 1958 Onyx St., Eugene.
Bill Sullivan, president, opened the meeting at 5:30pm at his home in Eugene.
Beth Hammond, treasurer, reported that the LLL bank account is now at $3513.34. This includes $1411.15 from the Authors & Artists Fair fundraiser in December and $495 in end-of year donations.
A motion carried to authorize $3500 for summer reading programs at volunteer libraries in Lane County this summer. Although this will leave less than $14 in the LLL bank account, Sullivan reported that he hopes we will win a $2000 grant from the Three Rivers casino -- and if that fails, then he will apply for a grant from the Lane County Cultural Commission.
Organization of next year’s Authors & Artists Fair, on Saturday, December 8, 2012, was approved with the provision that we cut costs by eliminating our $500 advertising budget for ads on KVAL-TV.
Now that Emily Schue, our secretary, has moved to an apartment in Salem to be nearer to her daughter, Sullivan offered praise for her years of commitment to libraries and literacy in Lane County. Maggie Osgood of Lowell was nominated for the position of secretary, and was elected. At the same time, board positions for Steve Recca and Bill Sullivan were renewed for two years, and Susie Johnston’s board membership expired.
In new business, Sullivan proposed that the Lane Library League consider hosting a “Ken Kesey Lecture Series”, featuring talks by Lane County authors with new books. Sullivan recalled that Ken Kesey lived in Pleasant Hill, where there is no library service. Ten years ago, Sullivan had bet Kesey $100 that Kesey would have access to a county-wide library card within ten years. The monthly lecture series in Kesey’s honor would be free to the public, so it would not be a fundraiser, but it could raise awareness for the Lane Library League. A motion passed to encourage Sullivan to explore venues and times for the series.
The meeting adjourned at 6:25pm.
Respectfully submitted by LLL secretary Maggie Osgood
Minutes -- Lane Library League general meeting
September 20, 2011, in the Lowell City Library.
Maggie Osgood, Lowell’s volunteer library director, began with a tour of the library. Housed inside Lowell’s City Hall, the library’s two rooms are packed with shelves of well-catalogued books, each with barcodes so they can be scanned for electronic checkout. The walls are hung with historic photos and memorabilia of Lowell’s history, in part because the city has no other museum. Two new-looking computers with Internet access, available to patrons, were purchased for $250 from Goodwill with money from a Lane Library League grant this summer. Wifi is available for laptops. Volunteers keep the library open 40 hours a week. The city provides free rent, utilities, and $1000 a year. The library is expected to raise another $1000 in donations each year, which Maggie accomplishes partly through a used book sale. Surprisingly, the State Library has not yet approved "public library" status for Lowell, denying it funds and services.
Steve Skidmore, Siuslaw Public Library director, reported that Florence’s first annual Festival of Books will have 61 authors on hand to autograph their books from 10am to 4pm on Saturday, October 1 in the Florence Events Center at 715 Quince Street. The Siuslaw Public Library is one of six sponsors of the event.
Steve also gave a report from the Lane Council of Librarians, a group of paid professional librarians from the county’s seven tax-supported public libraries. Professional librarians resigned from the Lane Library League in January to work on their own. Steve reported that they have made only incremental progress toward the goal of a countywide library system since then. Their first effort is a pilot project to test the idea of allowing reciprocal borrowing among public libraries. For the pilot project, the Springfield Public Library and the Fern Ridge Library District would honor each other’s library cards, so someone from Springfield could check out a book in Veneta, and vice versa. To date, politics have delayed approval of this experiment, but they are hopeful.
Residents of the Crow/Applegate/Lorane area are interested in library service and have a blog, Steve reported. He said they have been encouraged to work with the Lane Library District in Creswell and/or the Fern Ridge Library District in Veneta to negotiate paying for service.
The Summer Reading Program went well, but served 170 children as opposed to last year’s count of 268. Shirley Perez West, program coordinator, reported that the Lane Library League funded programs at the same eight sites as last year: Alvadore, Cascade Foothills, Dorena, Leaburg, Lorane, Lowell, Marcola, and River Road/Santa Clara. A $2000 grant from the Lane County Cultural Coalition supplemented Lane Library League funding. Renee Klein, volunteer coordinator in Marcola, sent a report that said, “The average copyright date of books in our high school library is 1948. This opportunity to place books into the hands of students is such a blessing for the community.”
The 12th annual Authors & Artists Fair will be held on Saturday, December 10 from 10am to 6pm at the Lane County Fairgrounds, next to Holiday Market, Sullivan reported. New this year will be Noah Strycker’s “Among Penguins: A Birdman in Antarctica”, Peter Hoffmeister’s “The End of Boys”, Jan Eliot’s “Brace Yourself”, and dozens of other new books, along with jewelry, cards, and art. The event is a fundraiser for the Lane Library League’s summer reading program, but there is hope that it could also fund grants to volunteer libraries for capital improvements.
The Lane Library League’s next general meeting will be at 5:30pm on Tuesday, January 24, 2012.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Sullivan for Emily Schue, Secretary.
Lane Library League
Minutes of Jan. 18, 2011 meeting
The Lane Library League meeting opened at 5:30pm on Jan. 18 in the Singer Room of the Eugene Public Library. Attending were 16 people, including LLL board members Emily Schue, Stephen Skidmore, and President Bill Sullivan -- which constituted a quorum in light of the mass resignation of professional librarians the previous week. Also present were Ramona Jarkinsky, Donna Korn, and Claudia Doil (Alvadore Community Library); Pat Young and Cheryl Coleman (River Road / Santa Clara Volunteer Library); Sue Burkholder (State Library board of trustees); Shirley Perez West (Summer Reading Program coordinator); Henry Dizney; Robin Marx (Coburg Summer Reading Program); Mary Kay Dahlgreen (State Library staff); and Marty Mealey and Rita Stadel (Leaburg Library).
After introductions, Sullivan recapped the 11-year history of the Lane Library League, a non-profit group dedicated to expanding and improving library service throughout Lane County. He noted that the LLL spent its first few years advocating for a county library district -- which proved to be illegal, in light of a Metro Plan provision. Then the LLL advocated for a smaller but expandable Lane Library District -- which was in fact created in the Creswell area, but has proven difficult to expand for political reasons. Last year the LLL suggested investigating the possibility of a Lane Library Cooperative . Based on the system used for over 30 years in Marion County, the library cooperative would levy a small county-wide tax to fund a universal library card and universal checkout privileges for all libraries and all citizens in the county. This proposal has prompted the six professional librarians on the LLL board to resign.
Skidmore, representing the professional librarians, took the floor to explain. He said that the professional librarians have the same overall objective as the LLL, but are required to serve their constituents and their own governments first. The professional librarians fear that a county-wide levy could jeopardize their local funding and their authority. As a result they have chosen to work within the Lane Council of Librarians (LCOL). Sullivan asked if LCOL meetings are open to the public. Skidmore said no, LCOL is not subject to the state's public meeting laws because professional librarians are not elected officials. Skidmore said LCOL is developing an initiative to promote reciprocal borrowing and the delivery of materials among the county's seven tax-supported public libraries. This initiative, Skidmore suggested, might encourage people to join the professional librarians' taxing districts. Skidmore said he will continue to attend LLL meetings to keep communication open with LCOL.
Sullivan presented a report on the LLL's annual fundraiser, the Authors & Artists Fair, showing that $3553 in expenses and $6384 in income had left the event with a $2830 profit -- a substantial increase over the past two years. Additional donations have brought the LLL bank account to $3184. An anonymous donor has promised $2000 for competitive grants to volunteer libraries, and the Oregon Cultural Trust may provide an additional $2000 grant for the Summer Reading Program.
Shirley Perez West reported that the LLL funded 8 summer reading program sites last year at amounts between $300 and $400. She predicted we would have 9 sites this coming year, so we would need at least as much money to fund them adequately.
The annual election of officers and board members followed. Skidmore moved, and Schue seconded, that we re-elect current officers for a one-year term; that we re-elect Emily Schue, Beth Hammond, and Susie Johnston for two-year terms as board members; and that we elect Maggie Osgood to a two-year term on the board. The motion passed unanimously.
Under "New Business" the LLL board considered funding priorities for the coming year. Schue moved and Skidmore seconded that we allocate $3300 for the Summer Reading Program (with $300 set aside for the program coordinator's salary), and that we dedicate our remaining funds to competitive grants for volunteer libraries, while leaving some money as a contingency fund. The motion passed unanimously.
The LLL is inviting volunteer libraries to send grant applications by email to sullivan@efn.org by April 1. The grant requests should be one paragraph, asking for $300 to $2000. The requests should explain what the volunteer library needs the money for and why. The LLL board will then rank the grants and write checks for the ones that rate highest.
The LLL board unanimously authorized next year's fundraiser, the Authors & Artists Fair, on the second Saturday of December.
Is the Lowell City Library a public library? Sullivan explained the advantages of this classification -- grants, assistance, and $1000 annually from the State Library. He distributed copies of the Oregon Revised Statues detailing the legal difference between a private library and a public library. In short, a public library must be authorized by a local governmental body. City councils, school districts, and the Lane Library District all qualify. The library must serve all people in that government's jurisdiction for free. Osgood said the Lowell City Library qualifies, and said the Lowell City Administrator would ask for the required City Council resolution. Dahlgreen said the State Library would help in this process.
Volunteer librarians from Leaburg and Alvadore noted that they did not have a city council to authorize them as public libraries. Sullivan pointed out that they could still qualify by applying to a school district board, or by asking the Lane Library District to annex their area.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45pm.
Submitted by Bill Sullivan for Emily Schue, Secretary