Summer Reading Program

In the Summer of 2019...

The Lane Library League awarded $500 to each of 6 rural/volunteer libraries in Lane County for Summer Reading and other programs: Alvadore, Cascade Foothills (Dexter), Dorena, Lowell, Marcola, and River Road/Santa Clara,

In the Summer of 2018...

The Lane Library League awarded $400 to each of 6 rural/volunteer libraries in Lane County for Summer Reading and other programs. At the River Road/Santa Clara Volunteer Library, kids read books about sounds, and then experimented with things that make sound (at left).

In the Summer of 2017...

The Lane Library League awarded $300 to each of 6 rural/volunteer libraries in Lane County for Summer Reading and other programs. At one of the programs, KEZI meteorologist Marisa Woloscyn (at right) came to read books about weather.

In the Summer of 2016...

The Lane Library League awarded $400 to each of 7 rural/volunteer libraries in Lane County for Summer Reading and other programs.

In the Summer of 2015...

The Lane Library League awarded $400 to each of 7 rural/volunteer libraries in Lane County for Summer Reading and other programs. Although $400 doesn’t seem like much, some of these small libraries run on such tight budgets that this is a fair share of their annual cash supply. Most reported that they stretched the LLL grant to buy new children’s books for their shelves, in addition to running a full summer reading program.

Cathy Leonardo of the Cascade Foohills Library in Dexter reports, “Our summer reading program was a blast this year! The theme this summer was ‘On your mark, get set, read!’ It was all about sports, games, fitness, and nutrition. We had 44 children enrolled in our summer reading program. This year they read a total of 210 hours. Each child received a new book and special prizes for participating.”

Charissa Nelson of the River Road/Santa Clara Volunteer Library sent photos of kids with books and animals, because they had invited guest speakers from the Zany Zoo, the Science Factory, and other museums.“We learned so much from Abbie and Samantha and their animals from the Zany Zoo! The top photo is an Argentinian Black and White Tegu! The bottom photo shows kids petting the tortoise!”

Ramona Jirkovsky of the Alvadore Community Library said their summer reading program was small, but the LLL grant “gave us the opportunity to buy new books for all the age groups of kids, which we aren't otherwise able to do. Our appreciation and thanks to the League are HUGE.”

In the Summer of 2014...

Grants were smaller because the LLL's fundraising event, the Authors & Artists Fair, was crippled by a snowstorm the previous December. Grants of $200 to $300 were awarded to Alvadore, Cascade Foothills, Dorena, and River Road/Santa Clara. Program participatns were encouraged to use the theme "Fizz, Boom, Read" developed by the Collaborative Summer Library Program ( Altogether, the four programs served 122 individual children. Since 2003, more than 3.320 individual children and adults have attended Summer Reading programs supported by the Lane Library League.

In the Summer of 2013...

The Lane Library League awarded grants to the following groups and volunteer libraries:

  • Alvadore Lions Club (Alvadore volunteer library) -- $400

  • Cascade Foothills Library (Dexter) -- $650

  • Dorena Summer Reading Program -- $400

  • Lorane Rural Art Center -- $650

  • River Road/Santa Clara Volunteer Library -- $300

In the Summer of 2012...

The Rural Art Project in Lorane had kids make mouse masks.

The Lowell Volunteer Library drew a nice crowd of kids to read in summer.

Funding for the Summer Reading Programs is provided by the Lane Library League's annual fundraising event, the Authors & Artists Fair.